Why Should You Retain a Lawyer With Extensive Disability Case Experience?

Why it is important to hire an attorney experienced with handling disability claims instead of the lawyer who has handled other legal matters for you in the past? Unless that attorney has experience, like we do, in this field of law, they will not know certain key features of this specialty practice of law. For instance, we, NJ disability lawyers are often presented with a denied claim handled by a general practice attorney. That attorney did not know that his client had the right to obtain the insurance company claim file before filing his appeal! Imagine having the roadmap used by the insurance company to deny your case at your fingertips when you formulate your appeal. This is but one example of how having an experienced disability law firm as your counsel can make a big difference between success and failure. When you have a medical problem you are often referred by your primary care doctor to a board certified specialist. You need to do the same with a lawyer. Over 75% of my business is referred to me by other lawyers, who know that we will provide their clients with competent, specialized services, needed to help the disabled.

I know how to communicate with the insurance company. I know how to convey to your doctors the information that they need to collect from your file to convince the company that you’re disabled. We have the extensive experience handling disability cases from their inception to trial.

Client Reviews

I was an Engineer in a Research and Development division of a major corporation, putting in longer hours with the same workload. An unrelated episode landed me in the hospital, where I was DXd with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, which explained my decline at work. I then learned that I had...


I would like to re-acknowledge what a difference your work has made in my life. When forced to retire 5 years ago, you dedication to helping me enroll into my disability policy has made all of the world of difference.


I cannot thank you enough for successfully appealing my disability benefits. My special thanks also to Eileen for all of their assistance, support and expertise. Your legal expertise of disability benefit entitlement was evidenced by your comprehensive and knowledgeable litigation of my appeal. I...


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